We are thrilled to announce that Gempacs has been awarded a prestigious grant by P4G Partnerships!
In partnership with the renowned NGO Pandu Laut Nusantara – Indonesian Ocean Corps, we are embarking on a transformative mission to promote marine electric mobility in Indonesia’s coastal communities.

This project will help drive sustainable, eco-friendly solutions that significantly reduce carbon emissions while improving the livelihoods of local fishermen and small-scale operators. By embracing electric mobility, we are paving the way for a greener, more prosperous future for Indonesia’s coastal regions.
See also: p4gpartnerships.org-pioneering-green-partnerships-gempacs-pandu-laut-nusantara

The Story of Pak Eko, an Indonesian Fishermen

Pak Eko, an Indonesian fisherman, struggles with poverty due to expensive fuel. A pilot project offers him a solar-powered outboard motor, improving his life and the environment.

    • Saves money on fuel and increases income.
    • Enjoys better health without harmful fumes and noise.
    • Benefits from improved safety features.
    • Contributes to a healthier marine environment.

Pak Eko’s story signifies a brighter future for Indonesian fishermen. Electric motors can bring economic prosperity, environmental protection, and improved safety to fishing communities.

Please read his story, to better understand…