Welcome on Board

Did you know that each of the outboard motors used by millions of professional fishing and water taxi boats emits every year as many GreenHouse Gases (GHG) as 20 cars? This is a whopping 0.5 Gigatonnes of CO2e per year from a virtually completely neglected sector.

At gempacs we aim to revolutionize Marine Electric Mobility, starting from professional boat users in emerging markets.

Our mission is to contribute significantly to the global efforts against Climate Change and to provide a sustainable future for poor fishermen.

So, are you ready for the Green Electric Revolution for Professional Seafarers?


gempacs is a full stack solution for marine electric mobility, integrating new or retrofitted motors onto existing or new boats, including the charging facilities in the ports and IoT services. Our Core Team has solid and extensive international track record in automotive, energy, naval, telecoms, real estate, electro-mechanical engineering and manufacturing, as well as process, product and project management.

Novelty on the Hulls

Coming up – How about a revolution also in the manufacturing of hulls, using 3D printing and more durable and recyclable composite materials?



We are thrilled to announce that Gempacs has been awarded a prestigious grant by P4G Partnerships! In partnership with the renowned NGO Pandu Laut Nusantara – Indonesian Ocean Corps, we are embarking on a transformative mission to promote marine electric mobility in Indonesia’s coastal communities. This project will help drive sustainable, eco-friendly solutions that significantly …

The Story of Pak Eko, an Indonesian Fishermen

Pak Eko, an Indonesian fisherman, struggles with poverty due to expensive fuel. A pilot project offers him a solar-powered outboard motor, improving his life and the environment. Saves money on fuel and increases income. Enjoys better health without harmful fumes and noise. Benefits from improved safety features. Contributes to a healthier marine environment. Pak Eko’s …


Being based in London (UK), Milan (Italy) and having a manufacturing unit in Batam (Indonesia), we consistently cover our most important markets.

You can reach us by sending an email to:

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